Saturday, October 9, 2010

Prenatal care and a happier return to hospitals...

Took a tour of the hospital tonight, just waiting for the bus which isn't for another half hour. It's weird, all this time spent in hospitals, it's like I'm 17 again visiting my mother. They say old habits die hard but I think they just sleep... waiting for you to need them again. The sterile lights, antiseptic smell, crappy dollar coffee in a paper cup, stale vending machine snacks. Everything always seems out of time in places like this. Everything moves incredibly slow or far too fast. Comforting and stressful at the same time. Waiting and watching and passing time. I caught myself sitting here, reading useless pamphlets and long since expired magazines while drinking my tepid watered down coffee and couldn't help but think how funny it is that you can so easily settle into a familiar long lost rhythm you thought you'd forgotten. I spent months of my life in and out of places like this watching my mother die, it's sadly ironic that the very next time I'd be here is because I'm bringing a new life into the world.