Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday XXVI - (The view from our hotel's balcony!)


This place was heaven on earth, full story and more pictures to come! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hawaii So Far

Those are the outdoor massage huts at Spa Without Walls! Incredible.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm off to Hawaii!!

Just got back from dropping Aura off at her Nana Poo's house (SO hard) Our flight leaves at 6a.m. so I have quite a bit of time to kill. I've been occupying myself with little games like "How many things can I possibly fit in my one quart baggie of liquids/gels. The answer? 
Everything I could possibly need:
Finally! My sample-size hoarding has come in handy!!
Yep, it's all in there.

I'll tell you guys everything I managed to cram in there when I get back! 
Have a good week everyone!! <3