Saturday, December 15, 2012

Aurora's Totally Awesome Birthday Carnival Party!!

So, I may have gone a little overboard on Aurora's birthday party this year. I had a little extra money coming in and it seemed like every time I thought about what I was going to do, I had yet another idea that I thought would be fun. The party was carnival themed and I had a bunch of activities planned for the little ones... unfortunately most of them couldn't make it. Oh well, Aurora had enough fun for everyone! Next year I may have to tone it down a bit, but I have to admit I really liked putting everything together. It was exhausting but super fun.
As usual, the pictures speak for themselves...

Presents for the birthday girl from mama.
Treat Boxes!
Duck Pond! (I was pretty proud of this idea!)
"Concession Stand!"

A few more highlights of my handy work and Aurora enjoying the results.
She wouldn't even keep the clown nose on long enough for a picture!
Woo-hoo, presents!!
Aura's Build-a-Bear Snowman from Auntie Rachel!
Happy Biiiiirthdaaaaay!
Hanging out IN the duck pond post-party, of course.
Oh, and also.... We. Are. Dorks.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Aurora is TWO years old!!!!

My, how time has flown. I feel like just yesterday Aurora was a teeny little bean who couldn't even lift her head. Today it's hard to imagine that she's the same girl. Last week was Aurora's 2nd birthday!! We celebrated on her actual birthday (Friday) by going to the Children's Museum and then we had her carnival themed birthday party on Sunday. I'll have to make a separate post later for the party since there are a TON of pictures to sort through first. Here's a peek at our trip to the museum for now:

Still loves the giant Lite Brite!!

Our visit with Estrella the chair lady went much better this time haha!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


We went to Nana Poo's for Thanksgiving again this year. We had a blast as usual, but it was crazy to see Aurora running all over the house and playing with things, making fish faces and pointing at their big fish tanks and sitting in a big chair eating with a fork. What a difference one year makes!!
Last Year...
This Year!