Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Foo Fest 2013! Aurora is a Rock Star PLUS a Special Announcement!

This was Aurora's third Foo Fest (You can read about the other times HERE and HERE). For the first time she was truly able to appreciate our little family summertime tradition! It's hard to believe that just two years ago she was a little bean who spent most of her time in a carrier just staring at the bright lights. Where has the time gone? This year we went to brunch at a new place called The Grange.
Aurora spent quite a bit of time drawing "funny faces" on the napkins.


Then we headed to Foo Fest!
The first stop was the mini makers market where we found some 3D dinosaur puzzles that Aurora loved!


Next was the musical instrument 'petting zoo' where Aurora tried her hand at guitar and drums and started an impromptu toddler band with another little girl.





Then we went to the face painting area. This was Aurora's first time getting her face painted so she had to stand and check it out for a little while first. After, she was excited to tell us that she had a 'butterfly face'!



Then my former boss treated Aurora to her first giant pretzel. You can tell by her face that she loved it:


After some more walking we ate our dinner from the roof of a double-decker bus restaurant!


Finally, Aurora played with Auntie and a new friend making more dinosaur puzzles and then we headed home. It was a great day as usual.


Are you ready for the super exciting announcement?
Aurora is officially POTTY TRAINED!!
After introducing the potty around Christmas time and doing a few stints here and there, Aurora finally decided about a week and a half ago that she was ready! She woke up and asked to go to the potty and she's been going ever since with no daytime accidents and only two nights of waking up wet! We even made it the whole long day away from home at Foo Fest and got back totally dry!
Needless to say I'm pretty proud of my big girl!
