FCB is PR Friendly!

Basic Product Reviews

Do you have a product you would like me to review? 
There is no charge for me to review an item. I do require a full sized product rather than sample so I can adequately try it out over time and get a real feel for the item.
Sending a product does not guarantee a review... 
though I will seriously consider a review of nearly everything. 

Some of your best best are:
~Mama-friendly items including foods, books, skincare and crafty things.
~Items that can be used by a 2 year old little girl (Aurora is a great toy tester!)

***Special consideration given to 'green' products as well as those from socially conscious companies.***
They are greatly preferred in our house.

By sending me a product, I do not promise a good review, nor do I promise a review at all if the product isn’t a good fit with my readers. All reviews are HONEST and based on my experience and thoughts on the ingredients and/or materials used.
I will not review nor accept items that aren't considered family-friendly.
I also do not accept items “on loan” or as a “sample” to return. I do not have the time or interest in mailing back a product to a company. I keep all items sent for review. 
By sending First Comes Baby products for review, you agree that all items are mine to keep.

 Social Media and Marketing for Your Company

If you ask that I post about your company via social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook, this is beyond a simple review and is considered me doing online marketing for you. I am happy to do this and it will provide your company with great exposure, however payment is required for my time. Please inquire for my marketing and social media rates.

Guest Posting on Your Blog

If you would like me to post about a particular topic on your blog and promote it via social media, rates begin at $15 per hour.

Sponsored Posts
If you would like me to publish a media release or sponsored post, I am happy to do so if the topic is relevant to my readership.  Pricing for publishing a one-time sponsored post begins at $20.

Product Giveaways
Sponsoring a giveaway is another GREAT option for exposure. I enjoy giveaways and so do my readers! I do require a full sized giveaway item and I do ask that the company ship the item and/or be responsible for all shipping charges involved for me to ship the item to the winner.
Paid Advertising
Please contact me to advertise. I am happy to work with you on the ideal placement for your company and payment terms are offered weekly, monthly, and annually.

Affordable Advertising Rates (as of 12.1.11)

Prime placement banner ads (468 X 60) located at the top of my posts are the best spot to attract maximum hits. 
This key spot begins at just $20 per week or only $60 per month.
Side column ads begin at just $7 per week or $25 per month.

All advertising inquiries can be directed to: 
Angela at FirstComesBaby at GmailDotCom

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