Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring has sprung!!

That my dear friends is the first time my daughter had even seen or sat on grass! I'm sure I was more excited about it than she was but being a winter baby I had been counting down until sunshine and grass and walks to the park... IT'S HERE! This is also Aurora's very first pair of sunglasses... we got a super good deal on them (two pairs for $1.75!!!)so she has them in white too. How could I say no?

These were taken at "Uncle" Jim's house where the my BFF/roomie Steph, Aura and I went for our first Easter together as a little family. It was pretty low key and perfect.

She can never wait to break in a new bib the second you put it on her:

Aurora also got her first ride on a swing yesterday! We don't have a baby swing in the house so this was an entirely new experience for her. She seemed more intent on staring at the little boy next to her than enjoying herself but I got a few giggles out of her towards the end.

I can't wait for more sunshine and adventures with this little one... I don't think I've ever been so psyched for springtime. I've also already bought her bathing suit. I know, I know... WAY early but what can I say? Summer will always be my favorite.

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