Monday, June 20, 2011

Our Weekend: Parties and Pride!!

This weekend was a pretty eventful one! Friday we went to a BBQ. Aurora got to see her friend Declan who is less than a month older than her. They were wearing coordinated outfits! (Accidentally, I swear.) She wore an orange top with an orange plaid skirt and he was in blue with matching plaid shorts! I love when she gets a chance to be around other babies who are  in the same place developmentally as she is...
Aura hanging out with her friend Declan again!
Saturday was our 'family outing' at Providence's Gay PRIDE festival (we may have given off the wrong impression being two ladies walking around with a baby carriage, but I'm fine with that!) Aurora was the life of the party as always!
Here are some pictures:
All dressed up and ready to go mingle!
She wore those sunglasses for 5 seconds before eating them.
Taking a break from the noise and the sun @The Wild Colonial in Providence
Yesterday we had Father's Day brunch with my roomie/bestie's family and then off to another BBQ!!
@ Julian's in Providence... Sitting in a big girl chair and eating at the table! 
Checking out the grass at our friend Nikki's house that evening...
Ok. This one is from today, but how cute is she in that carriage?!!
So that was our weekend in a nutshell. So busy and tiring, but well worth it! We had a ton of fun!!
And on the crawling front, we're pretty much there....

...only, backwards...

We're starting swim classes next week!! So excited, I can't wait! 
Hope everyone else had a great weekend!


  1. I love her red and black hair bow!! How adorable!

    It's good you girls had such a busy, fun weekend.

    Visiting from voiceBoks!


  2. Thanks! I remember you! Congrats on being member of the week over there, you deserve it!

  3. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Aurora is absolutely adorable! Swim classes for us were a blast. Hope she likes it too.

  4. Look at that face...she's just too cute!!! Stopping by from voiceBoks! Have a great week!!!


  5. Thanks so much!
    GJT: We start next Monday, I can't wait! She seems to love water so I have high hopes that she'll have fun...
    S.Greiner: On my way to your blog now!

  6. Just love that red, curly hair! Stopping in from nice to find you:)

  7. Aw thanks! Nice to meet you! I'm heading over to follow you now!


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