Thursday, July 14, 2011

Growth = Changes

Aurora is becoming very headstrong these days. This is not a bad thing in my opinion and I'm doing what I can to encourage her exploration and curiosity with the obvious exception of things that will hurt her. In light of this, the somewhat flimsy but adorable bedside table I've had for years has been put away in another room for a bit after Aura hulk-smashed it this morning while trying to climb out of bed and reach the alarm clock. For some reason she loves that clock and if she wakes up from a nap she bee-lines straight for it. Strange but true.
My coffee table will also be residing in the basement until I'm positive she can navigate it without attempting a shaky pull-up and smashing her face, the table was a refurbished trash pick from years ago and spending the $20 to surround it with bumpers really didn't make much sense to me, so adios for now. I can no longer get into my own kitchen cabinets because I keep forgetting the latches I installed and there is no more walking away from the bean, not even for a second. Just looking at her, you'd never guess how fast she is... but it's the NOT looking at her that's the problem. I swear she can tell the instant I'm not paying close attention! Anyway, these things are all very minor inconveniences when you consider the payoff. She's so proud of herself every time she manages to get vertical. She's surprisingly confident about attempting new things, concentrating super hard until she gets it and she's all smiles once she figures out something new.
The evolution from the helpless little sprout who couldn't hold her own head up is phenomenal and it's only been seven and a half months. I can't wait to see what's in store for us. I'm sure more baby gates and doorknob covers and toilet latches are in our very near future. With growth comes changes.

Speaking of which, I think this blog needs an overhaul. The layout was cute when it was mostly for me, but with the addition of my mama networks and the few sponsors I've taken on it's starting to look a little slap-dash. Also, I'm finding that this template is not nearly as flexible as I'd like/need it to be. I'm a little overwhelmed at the prospect right now so it may not happen soon. I also need to decide what direction I'll go with it and I'd like to figure out a similarly minimalist design. Funny, this time last year I wouldn't have pictured all this upheaval. But, like I said with growth comes change. 
Exciting and scary as change may be...

So, any blog-savvy folk that want to give me some advice, I'm all eyes.


  1. I love her nose. It's so cute.

    Sorry, am not thta blog savy. Heard if we used blogger template, we can change the design. But I am not sure how


  2. Thanks! Yeah... I know it can be changed. I guess it's just a matter of finding one flexible enough for me to work with. The watermark design I'm using now is very limiting as far as being able to modify the design.

  3. How precious! :) You have a beautiful baby girl!

  4. Really Cute Baby ! Anna


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