Monday, July 4, 2011

Our Weekend: Happy Birthday America!!

Another holiday 'family outing'! We spent our 4th with great food, a few drinks and awesome friends at LibertyFest in Providence. LibertyFest is an annual small scale music festival with tons of amazing local acts and fun for big and little kids alike! I've been attending for years, but this year was pretty special getting to show off my little bean in her patriotic outfit. It was also MUCH better than last year when I was pregnant and too hot to move! I only went as far as painting my nails for the occasion, but of course Aurora went all out!!!

Star spangled Aurora!!

Just hanging out in her little sparkly top hat!

She got tired of the shoes eventually... don't we all?

Hope everyone else's Independence Day was just as fun!!


  1. She is just so darn adorable! I love her headband =)

  2. What a cutie. Loving the hat headband too.

  3. LOVE her outfit and the baby fascinator hat is too cute!
    love to you both! <3 R.

  4. She is soooo cute! I love her 4th of July outfit.

  5. Gosh, those pics are ADORABLE! Enjoy this stage - it's so special.

  6. Thanks everyone!! we had a ton of fun! I love that I get to dress her up as much as I want, gotta get it out of my system before she gets a mind of her own about it haha!

  7. verrrry cute baby!!! I wanna hug her :D


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