Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby's first hurricane

Hurricane Irene hit the east coast this week and I'm pleased to report that it barely touched us here in Providence. We didn't even lose power!! Technically it was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit us... but that didn't stop me from making Aurora this onesie!!
I survived my first hurricane... and all I got was this lousy onesie.


  1. What a cute onesie. I'm your newest follower. You have a cute blog and I'd love it if you checked out mine.

  2. Hello!
    I started following you from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop - Week 21! I am a part of the blog hop. :)
    I'm following your site, Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter,
    Networked Blogs, etc. if applicable!
    I hope you had a great weekend!

    -Courtney P.

  3. Hi! Yes, I am a new follower. Bless you and your beautiful family!

    I ran across you on Stalk Remix Hop. Please visit me and follow back.

  4. That onesie is just adorable!!


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