Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday VI - (Mama's little girl)

Like mother, like daughter.


  1. What an adorable baby!!! I am stopping by from voiceboks. I'm a new follower via GFC, Twitter and Facebook. Hope you can stop by my blog sometime and check it out.

  2. I love happy baby pictures. I am a mom of 3 so I have albums of happy faces.

    Visiting from the vbs. I love finding new mommy blogs.

  3. Wow, she is so cute. I bet she keeps you busy! I'm a new follower, here from vb.

  4. She is so precious! I've been blessed with four daughters and they are such a joy.

    Visiting from VB!

  5. Muacks! such a cute girl. Anymore teeth coming out?

  6. She is precious! Oh how I miss those little days, I know you probably hear this often, but cherish every moment, because you blink and they're off to kindergarten!

    I'm visiting from VB and I'm now following you!

  7. Thanks everyone! I'm on my way over to your blogs now!
    @Small Kucing: Not yet, just the two bottom ones for now!
    @Peaceful Wishing: Oh, I believe it. She's already grown so much, it's incredible!


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