Monday, October 10, 2011

Our weekend: Hometown visit, Autumnfest and Columbus Day Italian Feast!

This weekend we headed up to my hometown (it's only about a half hour away) to visit my roommate/bestie's mom (Nana Poo) for her birthday and attend Autumnfest which is becoming a yearly tradition for us. We went last year but Aurora was still on board the mommy train, so technically this was her first Autumnfest experience. My hometown is very hard to explain... but suffice to say there was lots of people watching, including some 'Juggalo' kids painting each other's faces with zombie/mime/clown paint. But, the clam cakes were nice and hot and there were some fun booths to window shop at. The weather was gorgeous and there's something to be said for the comfort of nostalgia. Still, a quick trip to buy an iced coffee reminded me exactly why I'm so happy to have moved away! Put it this way... you wouldn't think ordering a simple coffee would involve several people shouting would you? Me either.
Here's some pictures!!
Aurora tried on this cuter than cute giraffe hat which Nana Poo bought for her!
(don't mind the clam cake crumbs!) 
She thinks those people are funny!
After we left the fest we walked a few blocks to roomie/bestie's parents house. They have a HUGE dog, I didn't get a picture of him but these pictures of Aura with his toys should give you some perspective:
Hanging out in the bucket of dog toys.
and now having a bottle with a dog toy on the dog bed. She loves dog beds... it's weird.
 It was a very full and fun day and Aurora slept like a champ when we got home.
Today was the last day of our local Italian heritage Columbus Day feast in the Italian section of town so we headed down for some awesome traditional food and a little mingling... plus, we couldn't waste another bright sunny day. I'm sure they'll be in short supply soon!
All dressed up and ready to go!
An  a cappella group preforming outside
Had to get  a sausage, pepper and onion sandwich and some spumanti.
and washed it down with an iced latte and a canolli. 
Oh and I have some other amazing news! After two months of trying and countless different cups:
Aurora learned how to use her sippy!! 

How was your weekend?


  1. the 'people watching' photo made me laugh HARD, hahaha
    such a beautiful weekend - looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  2. Nice pics & that sausage sub looked amazingly yummy! Wish I could have had some of that. Thanks, now its going to be on my mind for a while, until I can find a place that can make a decent one. Your baby is so darn cute...enjoy her!

    Sonya M. Jones
    Tee-iabo Designs

  3. Glad you appreciated that Rachel! I couldn't stop giggling at it either!

    And Sonya, it was pretty delicious, hope you get your fix soon!


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