Sunday, October 23, 2011

Our weekend: A trip to the Modern Diner!

I'm still in the middle of my painting project and making Aura's Halloween costume so this weekend was pretty tame for us. We did, however, go out for brunch at a new spot this weekend! With two of the best brunch places within walking distance, it's usually pretty hard to pry me out of the neighborhood. This weekend we decided to try something new and take the 15 minute (gasp!) drive into Pawtucket to the Modern Diner. It's a place I'd driven by and heard about a million times. Kind of strange that it took me this long to try it... Just the look of the place alone should've reeled me in much earlier!
Awesome, right?
I was pretty excited that we got to sit in the dining car part instead of the restaurant attached to the back... the inside was just as neat as the outside!

Aurora wore her first Halloween shirt and ate a whole big pancake all by herself! (Save the one or two bites that were soaked in butter)

That's all I've got for you... hope everyone else had fun this weekend! The rest of this week will be filled with more painting and Halloween planning so I may be a little scarce, but I always check back for comments and to visit other blogs, and of course I'm cooking up a good Wordless Wednesday! Halloween pictures coming soon too!!


  1. she sure looks like she enjoyed it very much

  2. Very cute! Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower from the Monkey Hop. Would love for you stop by and follow back.


  3. Tried to GFC you but it's wonky today. Refreshed three times and still nada. Try back later. Great post. Such a cool experience. I love quirky places to eat like that.

  4. This looks fun!

    Stopping by from the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. Following you by GFC. I would love if you'd stop by my blog. Have a great weekend.


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