Friday, November 4, 2011

Aura's 1st Halloween! Here's some photos!

At the Halloween store doing some last minute shopping!
I made Aurora's first Halloween costume for a neighborhood party we were supposed to attend on Saturday... however, due to the crazy snow/ice/rain/general yuckiness, it was cancelled!! I was really bummed but we settled for trick or treating at the mall on Monday. By trick or treating, I really mean just walking around and collecting compliments haha. Still too young for candy! I wish I got some better pictures but Aura was particularly mobile that day and most of the pictures are so blurry she looks like a real ghost!

See? She was on the move!! Here's the few good pictures that I got:

Scary face?
Happy Halloween!!!


  1. I can see what you mean by she was particulary mobile that day. LOL... Cute costume :)

  2. She looks adorable!!! I'm glad you had a great time, Halloween is so much fun once you have kids!!! And, it's great the first few years because you get to pick the costumes!!! Take care!

  3. oohh I've been waiting for this!! :) looks like she enjoys dressing up! too cute

    and it's okay to collect candy - it's for YOU this year, haha


  4. Oh...she is so adorable. I especially like the scary face. Aurora looks like the fancy dressed up ladies of the 1920's. Too precious. She is Boo-tiful! lol


  5. OMG! What a cutie pie! I want to give a hug:D


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