Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday XVII - (Who's this kid and did she eat my little baby??)

I know I've been slacking a bit lately... I'm in the middle of full-on first birthday party planning madness at the moment... More on that a little bit later tonight if I can find a few spare minutes. 
In the meantime, to make it up to you, here are THREE pictures for this weeks Wordless Wednesday!
Notice that it even says Bean on the front?!

She finally figured out her horse-y!

Ok, seriously... who is this big girl? Where did the baby go??


  1. OMG...Aurora is so photogenic! Seriously love her facial expressions. I seems like the first birthday just creeps up on you. Don't worry though they stay interesting, cute and cuddly at least until age 7. After that they change into the unknown and a know-it-all. You then become, Mom the chef, nurse, chauffeur, and a human ATM amongst a few other things. The list is WAY too long to add. By that time you will A) be ready to have another one or B) sitting in a room with a bottle of wine, a glass and a box of Clairol wondering "Really... what happened to my child." lol

    Can't wait to see the birthday pics.

  2. which one she loves best? The car or the horsey?

    Waiting for see the bday pics :)

  3. So cute!!! My dear daughter turned 1 on the 17th. She is growing more and more everyday!

  4. Thanks ladies!
    @Small Kuking: She definitely loves the horsey more... she wanted out of that buggy halfway through the store because she couldn't see me. Fun while it lasted though!
    @Mom On The Run: Happy belated to your little peanut!

  5. Your little girl is ADORABLE!! :) What a cutie!


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