Thursday, April 26, 2012

Please accept these pictures as my apology...

OK, I'll admit it. I've been a bad blogger lately. Things around here have been hectic to say the least! Currently, I'm juggling mama duties (baby yoga, weekly play group, play dates, photo taking, raspberry blowing, springtime adventures etc), full time schoolwork, yard work and a long list of to-dos including toddler bed prep (big change is coming up soon) and hallway painting! Whew. I officially take back every other time in my life when I claimed to be busy. THIS is busy! Anyway, I'm not going to let FCB go by the wayside. Unfortunately, I'm up to my ears in schoolwork with not much time to write this week. As a compromise, here's a quick update of our life lately in photo form. This is what Aurora had been up to for the last week or so:
Waving to everyone at our zoo picnic...
Watching some baby videos on You Tube. She LOVES babies these days.
Trying (and failing) to blow bubbles.  Guess it's a little early for that!
Discovering that her new shampoo gives her a huge afro. Oops.
We also got to meet Aurora's cousin J. for the first time last week. Ready for a cute baby overload?!
Hmm.... what's good here?
I want this!
Look mom, a baby!

Twinsies. Seriously.
OK... back to work! Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying spring so far!


  1. I love how the sun shines on her golden blonde afro hair! :) She looks like a big girl now and going for a big bed already? wow!

    Spanish Pinay

  2. twins! <3
    we need to do a park picnic soon - or you know, when it gets warmer again :)


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