Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer So Far...

Summer has always been my favorite time of the year. I love the feeling of the sun on my shoulders. I love the beach and trips to the ice cream stand. I love long bikerides in the evening when it starts to cool down. I have so many fond memories of summertime and I want Aurora to have the same. I know it's a little early to worry about that, since she's unlikely to remember our adventures for very long. For now, we're concentrating on fun! The weather here has been very up and down with lots of rain, so we haven't been outside quite as much as I'd like, but we're making do. Here's a couple pictures of our summer adventures so far:

Hanging out in her kitchen.
Reading mama's magazine IN her toybin for some reason?
 We switched to her toddler bed! There was a little bit of an adjustment period, but things are great again!
 Warm weather means a ton of fresh smoothies. Fresh smoothies = huge messes. Oh well.

 Aurora had a blast at a new playground we discovered down the street from us!

 We had a super hot streak the week before last, so Aurora had her first yogurt pop experience in the bath!
Tough life, huh?
 The most fun thing that we've done so far was the annual Gay Pride festival and parade! Aurora got all decked out in girly rainbows and ruffles for the occasion. She was a gigantic hit with everyone as usual!
Getting fabulous.
Just a quick horsie ride before we left...
Definitely needed more bling...
On our way.

Pretending to blow bubbles... she's not really there yet. We're working on it!
Watching the nighttime parade... soooo ready for bed. 
That's it from us for now. Hope everyone else is enjoying the beginning of summer as much as we are!


  1. What cute photos her curls are beautiful! I just wrote a post on making summer memories you should stop and leave a comment with your fave things!

  2. its such fun seeing she grow up day by day :)

  3. Oh my gosh you guys know how to enjoy the summer :) I looooove her kitchen! Been looking for one too for our little one but couldn't find a wooden kitchen. I hate the plastic ones plus they are not really good for the environment. Ain't she F.A.B? Aurora is such a darling! Her mom knows how to make her even more F.A.B ;-)

    Spanish Pinay

  4. Aw thanks so much ladies, we've been having a blast!! @Spanish Pinay, I was lucky enough to get hers from a friend who's son had grown out of it! I had been looking all over for a wooden one too!


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