Friday, January 25, 2013

Aurora's Two Year Checkup!!

Aurora had her two year(!!) doctors appointment this month, plus her second trip to the dentist. So far everything is looking great! She's in the 98th percentile for height which isn't really shocking and the doctor said she's really smart and knows quite a bit for her age... If you ask me, she's too smart for her own good already! I love how people are always amazed at how calm she is during appointments. She didn't make a peep during shots or even having her blood drawn! I think the dentist was her favorite though, lots of puzzles to play with, birthday cake flavored toothpaste, a new toothbrush and a sticker?! Someone knows the way into Aurora's heart! Sorry for the low quality phone pictures in this one. I forgot my camera at home, twice!
She's obsessed with the little johnnies
Post appointment trip to the Children's Museum
She loved the water room this time around!
We had dinner at a new restaurant afterwards. This was their veggie 'duck'. It was great!
Doing puzzles in the dentist office
Special lunch date after, for being such a big girl!

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