Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mother's Day, Pint Sized Picasso and Aurora's 1st Attempt at Chopsticks!

Mother's Day is a holiday that I'm still getting used to. It used to be a holiday that I dreaded because it just reminded me that my mother was no longer around. These days, it is a much happier time because I have my own little bean but it is still a lot to take in and it's hard to not feel a little guilty while celebrating. This year we took it pretty easy. We went out for a nice brunch and some bloody Marys, then did our usual grocery shopping routine. It was perfect. In other news: 
 Aurora has been on a creative streak lately! Drawing and painting up a storm!
She's also learning how to use chopsticks, or tsop stips as she calls them. It was all her idea. She's doing pretty great, but she tends to stab the pieces of food that won't cooperate haha. 

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