Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Aurora's Birthday & Christmas - super late.

Things have been crazy around here lately. Every time I think I I'm all caught up, more projects come out of the woodwork. I'm still doing school full time and hanging out with the Bean during the day. We still have our adventures, though the snow has been keeping us indoors a lot. We're currently gearing up for a big room switch. Aurora will be getting her big girl room and mama will finally be getting a little privacy (at least during sleeping hours!). It will be nice to have my things out again without worrying about them getting lost or broken. It's funny the things you take for granted before having a child. Anyway, it's going to be a ton of work, but it will be worth it in the end. Aurora and I are both very excited for the change. Here's what you've missed over the last couple of months:

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