Saturday, October 4, 2014

Our summer!

We had a great summer! So good, in fact, that I didn't even have a moment to sit and write about it. I took lots of pictures but they mostly went on Instagram (you can follow HERE if you'd like!) School has been crazy but I should be done in May! Aurora has grown from a giggly toddler into a smart, funny, friendly and opinionated "big girl". Life has been amazing, hectic and fast-paced and I wouldn't trade one second of it. Here's a peek:

Backyard Bubbles!

Visiting Estrella at the Children's Museum.

Eating a delicious fresh tortilla at the farmer's market.

Drawing at a block party (one of many this year!)

New scooter!

Storytime yoga at OmKids,

First time on a Ferris Wheel!

First time riding solo on a carnival ride. She loved it!

Playing at a pal's birthday party.

Aurora's spectacular Providence Pride outfit!
Hope everyone else's summer was just as packed with fun as ours was!

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