Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What's in a name?

First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes baby in a baby carriage!

The strangest things pop into my head sometimes. When I found out I was pregnant, that little rhyme was stuck in my head for about a week. Well I am living proof that it doesn't always work that way. For me it's First Comes Baby!!
I had a good idea early on that the whole love and marriage bit wasn't really for me. I've always had a pretty grim outlook on the whole subject. While other little girls were plotting their future dream weddings, I had my head buried in books, covered in headphones or bent over my trusty notebook or sketchpad. Was I ever lonely? Well, yes and no I suppose, but I've never really felt that way. I've had a few relationships, even a few people I've loved. Was I 'In Love'? I don't really know, so that tells me that I probably wasn't.
However, somehow I still managed to skip from the K-I-SS-I-N-G part to the baby in a baby carriage part. Pretty tricky, eh?
Was it planned? Well no.
Could I have planned any better if I had wanted to? Probably not.
I've never necessarily been a huge believer in destiny or fate but I'll tell you, everything about this pregnancy came together in a strange and oddly perfect way. I had a large apartment with an extra room, I had some money saved and was making enough that I'd be able to continue saving. I didn't work long hours and it was low stress so I was able to work until a week before my due date. My best friend moved in so I was able to share the rent but also have someone I trusted in the house. My friends were pregnant or having babies which meant hand me downs and playdates. The list goes on...
So, an ill advised fling with a friend and ten months later my whole life is topsy turvy.
First Comes Baby...
Now that she's here it has taken on a second meaning. My life is forever changed. Being selfish is no longer an option. She will always come first. 

First Comes Baby...

Sometimes (insert favorite cliche sports metaphor here) ...life throws you a curveball, perhaps? I don't know, I couldn't care less about sports or cliches. What I'm trying to say is, things definitely don't always go as planned. However, when I look at this amazing life I've created I really wouldn't have it any other way...


  1. It is funny how our life can twist and turn and yet we end up in the perfect place for us! Great post! Your daughter is really too cute!! Enjoy!


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