Monday, June 13, 2011

Aura's latest firsts!

Prepare yourselves! The last two weeks have been full of giant leaps and firsts for my little bean. I tried to pare down the photos a bit but it was so hard to choose! Here's what we've seen and done this month so far:
We took our first trip to the Zoo!! 

Aurora liked the egret.

She also seemed to like penguins.

However, did not care for the flamingos.

Or the giraffes. 

She's learned to sit up big and tall!!!

We visited out local creature shop!

Big Nazo Studios. So creepy but in an awesome way!!

Slowly learning to feed herself...

But as you can see still making BIG messes!

We've graduated to a big girl carseat!!

And played in the big box it came in!

AAANNND... we've got belly clearance!! Crawling is next!


  1. Aurora is a cutie! Checking you out from voiceBoks! Welcome!


  2. Following from the Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce!
    I would love it if you could follow me!

  3. Yay for the belly clearance! It won't be long til she's crawling all over the place. She's just adorable with that curly hair :). And post as many pictures as you can, they grow so very fast!

    Welcome to voiceBoks - I look forward to getting to know you better.


  4. Oh, and I voted for you - your blog is adorable!!

  5. She's adorable your ms. Aurora. Beautiful name -

    I have to get mine to the zoo this summer! So fun.

    New follower welcoming you to voiceBoks.

  6. Wow thanks so much everyone!! And thanks for voting! Glad I finally made this public and started networking, I'm meeting some great new friends! For those of you who posted blog links, I'll check yours out and start following back!

  7. welcome ..following you from voiceboks.. stop by sometime

  8. She is really too cute!!! I always loved to take the kids to the zoo when they were babies! (We still do even though they are not babies anymore 12, 9, 6) And self feeding, oh, you brought back some fun memories!! I found you on VoiceBoks and am now a happy follower!!


  9. Thanks so much ladies! I'm headed over to follow you as well!

  10. What an adorable little girl you have. Just visiting from Tiggerific Tuesday! Have a great day!


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