Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New to First Comes Baby?

A few quick things... first of all, nice to meet you!! This is my first sincere attempt at blogging in about 8 years or so. I used to be quite the LiveJournal addict and had a pretty solid following and made some great friends. I'm so glad I have all of those memories in print and some of those friendships are still going strong to this day. It's strange to look back at your life or your writing in particular and see how far you've evolved as a person. Some of the things that meant the world to me then are just foggy memories today and events that seemed devastating to the 18yr old me would just roll off 31yr old me's shoulders. I thought briefly about paying to change the name of my old blog (name change was definitely a MUST!) and just picking up where I left off but I guess life ran away with me and I've definitely outgrown it. So on to this new chapter (and blog) of my life and new friendships that will hopefully be going strong years from now.
I actually started this blog about a year ago when I discovered I was pregnant with my perfect little peanut but insecurity about this huge blogger community kept me from going live with it until a couple months ago. But I'm so glad I did!
It seems that my commitment to diving headfirst into this mommyblogging community has started to pay off! In just the last three days I not only went from a meager 5 followers to more than 20 but I'm also in the top 50 over at TopBabyBlogs! This has already led me to a small ongoing freelance gig that I can add to my growing list of stay at home work that I can do to support me and the bean. I really couldn't be happier about the support I've gotten so far, not to mention the amazing comments! I mean, I know my kid is cute... but it's always good to hear that other people agree!
Anyway, thanks for following and helping me feel comfortable with this new endeavor!! I look forward to reading your blogs and getting to know each of you!

**UPDATE- I've decided to set this up as a welcome page of sorts for people who are new to my blog.
So... welcome!
Here's a few links so you can catch up if you'd like!
About me.
About the name.
My views on 'The great mommy wars'.


  1. how exciting that you've started blogging again and have one of the top baby blogs! congrats!
    i love being able to document all the funny things my girls do via my blog! otherwise i think i would've forgotten or never gotten around to writing them down!
    anyway, you have an adorable little one!

  2. "perfect little peanut"...hehehe...that's so cute!

    Saying "Hi" from VoiceBoks! Welcome to the family! :)

  3. Adorable photo! Congrats on your blog doing so well, that's great! New follower from bloggy moms, have a great day. You can find me at

  4. Best wishes as you get back into blogging!

  5. Thank you so much ladies! I'm so thankful to have sites like TopBabyBlogs, VoiceBoks and BloggyMoms! Sites like those didn't really exist in the LiveJournal days and if they did, I certainly didn't know about them. It's definitely nice to get back into writing and networking for sure! Funny how you don't really realize how much you've missed something until you have it back!
    Those of you who linked me to your blogs, I'm on my way over! Thanks again and nice to meet you all!

  6. What a great picture - she is beautiful! I see that you live in Providence - one of the places I have fond memories of - such great food in that city! I found you through VoiceBoks and am now a follower!
    Yankee Texan Mom

  7. Awesome! I'm excited to keep up with your blog!
    If you'd like you can head on over and check mine out too :)

  8. @Yankee Texan Mom: Thanks! Boy that VoiceBoks site has been very kind to me so far! Great people on there, glad I joined. I should give them a bigger button haha. Providence is my favorite place! I moved away a few times, even to the south for a bit also but I always come home... nice to meet you!

    Heading to you and Alex & Michelle's blogs now!

  9. hello! you (kinda) know me :)
    - love reading about the amazing home-cooked goodies, opened my eyes to a whole new world of baby food. I had no idea how easy & awesome it could be, you've totally inspired me!
    (and of course I love all the adorable photos as well!)

  10. Such a beautiful and adorable picture!

  11. Thanks so much!
    And Grandma Bonnie, I'm following you now!

  12. Hello! I am also dropping by from the Be-Bop-A-Blog Hop. What a wonderful blog! You have such a pretty baby! I would love to have you come visit.

  13. Thanks, you too MA98!
    Klcmaher... on my way now! Nice to meet you!

  14. Hi from a new visitor and now follower from FUMM blog hop.

    Welcome back to blogging. It's great that you're doing so well so quickly! I see it [fitness, health and happiness]

  15. I am a new follower from the Monday blog hop.

  16. Thanks so much! Nice to meet you both! On my way to check out your blogs and follow you both back now!!

  17. I'm a new follower from blog hop. I love finding new ones to follow. Check mine out too!

  18. How pretty, I just hopped by to become your newest GFC follower hope you can swing by and check out my blog WV Stitcher when you get a chance. Have a fantastic fourth of July.

  19. What a darling little girl!!!! Awwwww... I miss those days! You're doing an awesome job staying home with her - way to go! I'm following you from VoiceBoks. Have a great 4th!

  20. Thanks so much ladies!!
    Anyone who I'm not following yet... I'm on it!!

  21. Welcome back to the blogosphere! It's quite addicting lol ;) I'm excited to be a new follower of your (found you on the stalk remix blog hop) & can't wait to read more great posts!

    My Adventures in Mommyland

  22. Hahah thanks!! Nice to meet you... just started following you back too!

  23. Awww. your little one is soo adorable!! Looking forward to following your blog. =)

    new follower from vB and my own blog:

  24. Thanks! I'll head over to yours now!

  25. Great Idea, you are doing a great job, good luck with blogging.

    Like to be a follower and like to keep in touch.

  26. Hi just calling by whilst blog hopping. Now following. What a beautiful little girl. Congrats on blogging again. Be sure to come by and say hi. Sarah


I LOVE reading comments, if you are a new follower, be sure to let me know so I can follow you back! Please note that I approve all comments before posting and that I will not approve any irrelevant or phishing comments.
Thanks for coming by! <3