Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Little Passports!

Have you guys heard of this yet??! I've been reading about it almost obsessively and I cannot wait until Aurora can read and is old enough to appreciate geography so we can sign up for this! I've never really been able to afford to travel outside of the US and even though I am pretty optimistic about our finances in the future I don't think grand travel plans will be feasible any time soon. SO what's the next best thing in my opinion?
THIS: Little Passports!!! It's like a combination of a 'pen pal' and a travel guide! I think it's an amazing idea to teach kids about other countries and cultures in a fun and personal way!
From the website:

Little Passports is your child’s ticket to an exciting global adventure. Inspire a love and understanding of the world as your child learns about a country’s geography, history, culture, and language in a fun and memorable way.
Little Passports is a subscription service for children featuring two loveable characters, Sam and Sofia. Sam and Sofia travel to a new country every month and share their experiences with your child. Your child will receive an exciting package via postal mail that includes an adventure letter, fun souvenirs, activities, and access to the Little Passports Boarding Zone full of games and activities.
It’s educational, it’s engaging, it’s the perfect way to introduce your child to the amazing world around us. Visit www.littlepassports.com to learn how to bring the world to your door!

Sounds like fun doesn't it? If anyone has littles that are the right age to appreciate something like this I would LOVE to hear some feedback! I'm chomping at the bit to be able to do this for Aurora! I'm adding a new button for them in my sidebar for easy access if anyone wants to check them out. Yes, I will receive some credit for those who sign up, but that is not why I am doing this! I'm really into the whole idea! Feel free to go straight to their website at LittlePassportsdotcom to sign up without giving me  referral credit.... there will be no hard feelings, I swear. I'd still love your feedback!


  1. thanks for sharing. I didnt know about this till I read it here. Interesting, Not that pricey too

  2. I agree! I think it's super reasonable. I'd probably spend at least that if I tried to do it myself for her!


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