Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How I announced my pregnancy to the world!

I was feeling a little nostalgic today after taking down my MySpace and saving the blog from there to my hard drive before I (eventually) delete my profile all together. SO I started going backwards on Facebook and looking at all the crazy things that have been documented over the past couple of years. My most memorable post? Well, telling my extended friend-family about the baby was a bit of a dilemma. I kept it a secret from everyone for a very long time. I am a private person anyway and I wasn't looking forward to all the attention. But I guess it was more than that too. How do you announce pregnancy to the world when you are connected to so many people at once on the internet? How do you tell friends you haven't seen in years that you are having a baby? Even better, how do you tell friends you saw a week ago that you've had a bun in the oven for MONTHS?
Well... I went the obvious/humor route, via Facebook status update:

Angela is having a baby... No, I'm not kidding, sorry I didn't tell you, most people didn't know until recently. Other answers: girl, Nov 28th, no definite name yet, yes I have ideas, no I won't tell you, a friend, maybe?, I've never done anything else the conventional way, yes, no I don't miss drinking much, yes, sushi, red, playing Wii, not on your life, red pandas, all of them, mint chocolate chip, and I can't remember. 

So what about you other mamas?
How did you announce your pregnancy to the world?


  1. Very sweet and very funny! It's funny my first pregancy was so nerve wrecking because I had had previous miscarriages so my immedaite family knew and then word trickled down in the form of "keep Kathy in your prayers, she is pregant again" The second pregancy I waited to tell people a little bit longer, but the news spread around the same way with the same "Pray for Kathy" with the third most of my extened family and friends found out in our christmas picture and most people thought I was joking because how the heck could I be 5 months pregant with no "pray for Kathy" message. I think this was my favorite one!!! Thanks for a fun post!!

  2. Haha that's funny! My nearest and dearest were sworn to secrecy. I hid my pregnancy well (thanks wide hips!) and went almost 8 months before I fessed up! Thanks for sharing!

  3. ahhh.. when i got pregnant i was in a relationship.. but by the time i told everyone besides mom, dad, and sister.. i was single.. that wasn't too much fun. i also kept it a secret for a while.. finally i took a picture of my framed ultrasound.. put it on facebook with the one worded title.. "mine"..

    i had CRAZY hormones.. luckily back together.. things aren't perfect, but i'm happy.

    i'm so glad to have found your blog.. my favorite friends are ALL single moms!


  4. Oh boy that sounds complicated!! I love it though, glad everything worked out... and thanks, glad you found me too!


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