Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday VIII - (Fun at the mall!)

Aurora cares not for high fashion.


  1. That's a big bow! Did you get that at the mall? :D

  2. That's almost a let me out of this contraption look? Cute though.

    Happy WW!

  3. She's so cute! New follower from WW :)

  4. is that the stroller w/ a bow or a bow on the baby?! either way, looks super cool!

    (I think I just totally posted on an old wordless wednedsay.. oh well.. lol.. )



  5. It is an insanely big bow on a headband!!! (It's on her, not the stroller, by the way.)
    Seriously *I* would look silly wearing a bow this large and I'm a fully grown adult. Needless to say, I was compelled to put it on her... she hated it even more than I did haha.

  6. Look at those sweet eyes. I like the big bow idea. Visiting from voiceBoks

  7. Angel,
    Aurora is absolutely beautiful! I love that curly head of hair. I'm so glad to have found you on voiceBoks! I would love to see the dance night you do at the bar!

  8. Haha! So cute. I don't blame her for not being happy. Come on! You put a plaid bow on her when she's wearing polka-dots. "So last year. Mom, so last year."

  9. Awww, great photo! Her expression is just perfect like, "really, mom?" I love it.

    Visiting from Members to Remember.

    Smile and Mama With Me

  10. Hah thanks everyone. I gotta get all the embarrassing silly photos out of my system before she develops a mind of her own!!


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