Thursday, September 15, 2011

Goodbye Summer! A perfect end to Aurora's first!

I mentioned yesterday that we had our last beach adventure of the season on Tuesday...  Summer has always been my favorite season and I often will have a last hurrah the week after labor day once the beaches are closed. I love to do this because the weather is still nice and warm but the beach is usually almost empty aside from some hardcore sunbathers. This was the case on Tuesday. I counted less than 12 people besides us... It was pretty amazing and peaceful and perfect. We had a blast! I couldn't have asked for a better end to Aurora's first summer. Here's some pictures... including a special surprise that she had in store for me!!
I guess squishing mud in her hands was hilarious. 
Looking out at the water
So I haven't said anything yet, because I thought maybe it was a fluke, but a few times in the last week or so Aurora has gotten into a squatting position and tried to stand up on her own. I always thought babies learned to stand by pulling up on something and letting go but I guess she wants to do things differently! Usually she stays hunched over like a little mini sumo wrestler and it only lasts a few seconds before she's on her bum. However she seemed very determined and wouldn't you know it we were at the beach about half and hour before she tried it....  and stayed up!!!
I'm not sure if it was the sand that made her more stable or what but she was super confident about it... as a matter of fact a few minutes later she was doing it again and let me walk pretty far away from her. She was super steady on her little feet!
After some fun at the water we headed over to a giant grassy area and I let Aura do her thing and crawl all over the place. She loves exploring and already tries to be independent.

Right before I started packing us up to head home, I looked over and Aurora was standing again!!


  1. Great story and pictures. The one of your little girl crawling in the grass reminds me of when my daughter got in the grass. She did the same thing. So cute. :-)
    Visiting from VB

  2. She is standing! Did she take her first steps?

  3. How exciting!! I love the "firsts" - especially the first standing and walking. You'll be running after her before you know it! I think it's cute the way she's learning to stand. Not all kids do things the same way, that's for sure. But it's working for her! Great pictures =)

    Visiting from voiceBoks Members to Remember!


  4. What a sweet moment to catch on film. Her little bottom looks so cute in the last photo! Nothing is safe now. She'll be all over the place!

    Visiting from voiceBoks
    Thanks, Becky Jane

  5. Oh my goodness she is just adorable. What a precious day you must have had together. :) Think of how much fun you'll have introducing her to all the joys of Fall. Pumpkin patches, Trick Or Treating, Hay Rides, Apple Orchards. Enjoy...


  6. Thanks ladies!!
    Romiz Essentials: She LOVES the grass. She laughs when it tickles her and takes off crawling as soon as you put her down!
    Small Kucing: No steps yet, but I have a feeling they're coming!
    Rosann: Yeah I'm pretty excited for her first fall too! I got pretty excited today putting a little sweater on her and getting her all bundled up in feetie pajamas for bed!

  7. How cute is SHE? OM gosh! Lucky you. You sound like a really independent, go-getter sassy mama! I love your confidence and style. Keep it up!
    Michael Ann
    The Big Green Bowl


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