Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday XI - (Goodbye Summer!)

Yesterday was our last beach outing... more on that tomorrow!!


  1. Oh gosh, she just made me giggle!! And those two little front teeth below? adorable.

    Spanish Pinay

  2. Omg she is so precious. How adorable is this little pumpkin. Love the hat!

  3. What a complete cutey!! She is so happy!! I'm glad you had fun at the beach!! I bet she will have a ball in the snow too!!! Are you planning her halloween costume already, I remember going crazy with my first one!! Enjoy!!

  4. What a great picture! I too, am not ready to end summer. I'm still waiting for it to begin! Have a great week! (vb)

  5. Wow.. such a little pie.. so adorable!

    Btw, stopping from vb.
    Wordless Wednesday with Liya

  6. She's so adorable! ^__^

    Btw, I'm visiting from VB and a new follower on your GFC ^_^

  7. OMG, I could just smother that face in kisses!! She is adorable, and yes, that pic needs no words.

  8. Ohhhhh she is SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!
    Following you from VB!

  9. Hi Angela,

    I'm visiting from voiceBoks Members to Remember.

    What a very cute little one you have on your hands! Aren't you sad the beach days are over from this year? Bittersweet, really, because I'm ready for Fall! :)

    Have a great day!

  10. So cute! I can't believe summer is over. No beach time for me this year. :(

    VoiceBoks Member

  11. Aw thanks so much ladies!! I agree that summer ending is a little bittersweet... I think we had a pretty great and eventful first summer for Aura and since it's my favorite season I'm not really ready for it to end... However, I'm excited for hoodies and pumpkin flavored things so there's definitely a bright side!!
    And, yes, the Halloween costume is already plotted and half-made, but it's a secret!!!!
    Thanks for stopping over, I'll be by to visit you all back tonight!

  12. So cute! I'm not sure how I feel about "last beach outing" though. Still plenty of time for autumnal visits! :-)

    Stopping in from VB today. Hope it is a wonderful weekend!

  13. Awww!!!! She's such a cutie! I'm so sad beach weekend is over. We never even made it this year. Hope you enjoyed it and it went well. Stopping in from members to remember!

  14. the cutest little thing! love this photo! thanks for sharing it!

  15. Thanks! Yeah, I was being a tiny bit melodramatic... we may go back to take a walk in the fall, but the walking paths are separate from the beach so we 'technically' won't be at the beach. And I wouldn't trust Aurora not to beeline for the water now that she knows she loves it haha!!

  16. Aw she is adorable. I'm sad to say good-bye to the beach but the trees are getting so pretty. I'm ready for fall. Have a great weekend.


  17. I agree... I do love the leaves in autumn!

  18. She has stolen my heart! What a remarkable photo of your little angel!

  19. Awww, that's such an adorable picture. Too cute :)
    I'm sure now you're just waiting for Halloween and cute costumes.
    Have a wonderful week,
    Español para Niños (Spanish for Kids)

  20. Would love it if you would link up your pics with my photo swap party going on right now!!

  21. Awwe so sweet in her little sun hat, yes what little summer sun we had seems to have vanished into rain storms.


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