Monday, October 3, 2011

Our weekend: Teething (again), oatmeal baths, overalls and 'Auntie-Poo''s birthday!

This weekend I've been pretty scarce. Aurora is cutting two back teeth simultaneously and, while she's taking it like a champ, she has been clingier than usual and not sleeping as well, so mama time has been limited. This isn't to say nothing fun or eventful has happened! Here are a few highlights:
Teething = Diaper rash = Long oatmeal soak
Long bath = learning to splash... A LOT.
Her 1st overalls (I think only babies should wear them!)
She learned how to climb into Scoobie's bed!! (Poor Scoobie.)
She wore her new bib from the art festival!
...and she FINALLY decided to trust me that a frozen washcloth would help her gums...

This weekend was also my roommate/bestie's birthday. We call her Aurora's Auntie Poo (long story)...

For her birthday:

Aurora stole her necklace...
...and I made her this awesome cake! (She loves skulls & crossbones)
I was pretty proud of that skull and crossbones cake... it's made out of cupcakes so you can just pull it apart! I think it would be a really fun kid's cake for a pirate party! I almost got busted while I was frosting it though because she surprised me by coming home early from work! I had to hide it in the back hallway until she left again!!

So that was our weekend... how was yours?


  1. oat meal soak good for diaper rash? didnt know this :)

  2. Hope her teeth feel better soon! Cute pictures. Stopping in from vB!

  3. S.K. She's only had it twice and the first time I tried the oatmeal bath out of desperation... She soaked for a bit, had some bare-bum time to dry off and then I smothered her in Butt Paste. The rash was significantly better the next day but I can't say for sure it was the oatmeal bath. All I know is something about it worked, so I'm not going to change now!

    And thanks Michelle!

  4. Oatmeal baths are great for diapers rashes. New follower from blog hop.

  5. That's what I thought... figured it couldn't hurt at any rate! Nice to meet you!


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