Saturday, December 3, 2011

Children's Museum Part Deux

Here's a couple quick pictures from Aurora's actual birthday.
It was pretty quiet but perfect. Just us and Auntie Poo, a trip to the Children's Museum for Aura to play and then we came home and she had a small cupcake to celebrate one whole year with us!
Playing with a Giant Light Bright! I LOVE this thing as much as she did! 

Little Woods got some new costumes! 
Stealing the volunteer's name tag! 
Raiding the bookshelf as usual. 
Who's this baby in the mirror?! 
In the pirate ship! 
Driving the big steam roller... safety first! 
 When we got home it was cupcake time!!

Want some?  
Ok, so there's one Children's Museum picture I was holding out on... but it's the best one. 
They have a 'chair woman' named Estrella for the kids to sit on and get pictures taken...
She sat on her for a picture last time we were there but she didn't really know what it was.


This time Aurora was not a fan.



  1. Awesome pic. She is very brave. My son would be sard is I ask him to sit like Aurora did in the last photo. The other day asked him to shake hand with the clown . He was scared

  2. LOL@the last pic! This looked like it was a fun relaxing day. Was that a jumbo lite brite? Like could you take the pegs out and make a design? I always enjoy coming here to see the adventures of Aurora. Buzz ya later!

  3. Haha she wasn't that okay with it! A little too big I think. I was afraid of clowns when I was little too, your son and I have something in common.
    Sonya: It was!!! There were tons of them and you could take them all out!! Thanks so much for coming by!! I'm on my way to see what you've been up to!


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