Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday XIX - (Homemade Christmas Stocking!!)

I finished Aurora's Christmas stocking... with a little owl of course! What do you think?

I'm going to be selling personalized Christmas stockings like this in my new Etsy shop... if that goes well I'll be expanding to include some other things, like the animal masks I made for Aura's 1st birthday and some paintings. If you'd like to purchase one, I'm currently offering free shipping!! Just enter the coupon code FIRSTCOMESBABY at checkout! Consider it my Christmas present to you guys for reading!


  1. Gosh ...i love it! It's so nice. Too bad am not in US :(

  2. Woo hoot...this is cute! lol Congrats on your Etsy Shop! Wishing you many sales.

  3. How cute!! You must be so excited about you and your daughters first Christmas together!! Congratulations on your new Etsy shop too!

  4. How cute! Good luck on your etsy shop

  5. Very beautiful! I am happy to see an owl on it. I am a big bird enthusiast. Thanks for adding your link to the Creative Thursday Blog Hop. By the way, I have a cousin with the name Aurora and an aunt whose name was Aura! Take care and all the best to you.

  6. Lovely,Thanks for joining us on creative Thursday :)


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