Saturday, May 5, 2012

Aurora's First Corn on the Cob!

I've always loved corn on the cob and I get so excited when it starts showing up in the supermarket! Last week, they had some on sale really cheap so I couldn't resist. Aurora has a play food set and like to pretend  she's eating the corn, but she had never had it on the cob like that before. Anyway, I remembered that my little brother ate it with us almost as soon as he had teeth so I left a few rows of kernels on one and gave it to Aura to see what would happen. It took her a little while to figure out, but she loved it! 
Here's how it went...
(Pardon the bad lighting.)
What... the... heck is this?
There's food on here.

Oh... I get it!

I guess she'll be eating corn on the cob with mama more often!! Saves me a lot of work, that's for sure!


  1. Good to know---my mother's family has a farm with corn we had all summer every summer....we'll have to bring you some when it comes in....hope to visit soon----L&H, Grandma Jenn

  2. corn on the cob is my fave! I'm glad Aurora loves it :) I'm sure it was a pleasant discovery for her. Her pictures are totally adorable!

    Spanish Pinay


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