Monday, May 21, 2012

Holy curls, Batman!

Aurora has always had curly hair, but today it was really humid and her hair got SO curly... 

Crazy right?!


  1. Move over Curly Sue!...♥her red hair. Too cute!

  2. such lovely curls. We in asia spend a fortune to get curls like hers. Envy her curls


  3. Ha! Funny you should say that Kathy, here in America we spend tons of time and money straightening ours!

  4. love these curls, love this girl! xo

  5. haha isn't that something ridiculous? we asian with our straight hair would want a curly hair and occidentals with their curly hair wants straight hair? Just like skin colors... we asians(at least in the Philippines) would love white skin while women here in Spain would spend tons of time under the sun so they can get a good tan OR spend a fortune and go to solariums. Human are crazy, right?

    But Aurora is crazy cute! I seriously love her curls... what can I say? I'm asian :-D

    Spanish Pinay


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