Thursday, May 24, 2012

Check out our new favorite thing!

So after searching online and doing a TON of research on bicycle seats for Aurora, I finally decided on one!
I knew right away that I didn't want a trailer and I wasn't a huge fan of the ones that hook onto the back of the bike. Particularly because my bicycle has a heavy duty cargo rack attached to it that I'd have to remove.
That left me with pretty limited options. There was one that mounts on a rail between the seat and the handlebars, but my bicycle didn't have a long enough frame. Then I found one called the iBert that I really liked. It mounted on the handlebar stem which made it perfect for my bike and it was getting amazing reviews. However, it only came in a strange green and orange color and it was pretty expensive so I had a hard time committing to it. Well, lo and behold a month later when I decided to break down and buy it... There it was on Amazon; $15 cheaper and in PINK! Decision made! Two days later the seat and a tiny helmet arrived in the mail! Unfortunately, it was raining so our first ride had to wait until the next day. 
What the heck is this... a new hat?
This is Aurora "hugging" the box. She's a little strange haha.
It was super easy to install! Looks good, right? 
Aurora was so excited to get in it! She kept pointing at my bike yelling "vroom vroom!"!
We had a blast riding about the neighborhood. She learned to say "Whee!" and waved at everyone. She even clapped her hands a  bunch of times. Everyone one we passed on the street got a kick out of her!
And of course we had to stop for a snack!
Mmm... fruit cup!
It looks like this bike seat with be getting a TON of use! Aurora loves it, I love it and we get tons of compliments when we're out. I cant wait to start taking some longer rides! <3


  1. ooo i didnt know have this safety seas. Ours one is still the old rattan ones

  2. Whee,! Love her smile! ♥♥♥ Enjoy your new set of wheels & keep Mommy company Aurora!

  3. Oh my goodness, she's too cute! We planned on getting one too before.. but we'd have to buy a new bike too and we didn't have enough budget. it got pushed back until now that she's 2 already, we thought she'd be too big for this already. She'll soon get her own bike probably :-D

    Spanish Pinay


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