Monday, August 20, 2012

Last Weekend: Foo Fest!

Last weekend was Foo Fest in Providence. You may remember that we went to this same event last year.
Here's a quick flashback!
What the heck is this big yellow balloon?!
This year, she was a little more interested in everything. She hung out in front of the stage, we had some yummy food and she even got to draw with some sidewalk chalk. 
We had a great time, as usual. I love my city! Now for the pictures:

There was also this HUGE handmade viking ship! It was awesome!
This was a cute kiddie pool area (complete/ lifeguard!)
Aurora trying to figure out what band was on next! (or playing peek-a-boo)

This was an awesome rolling table with balls. She was obsessed!

Hanging out and waiting for bands to play.
Stopping to watch the music. I wish you could see the little bum-bum dance!

I guess the vegan ice cream was pretty good, huh?
That was our little adventure. We had a blast. Can't wait for next year!!


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