Saturday, September 15, 2012

Oh boy have I been slacking!

Our summer has been pretty great, but school has been eating up the majority of my downtime. I'll have an easy week coming up where I can take the time to fill everyone in on what we've been up to. In the meantime... pictures!
Hanging out in the kiddie area at our favorite neighborhood co-op grocer!
Trying to decide what to eat at our necessary-evil giant chain grocery store.
Aurora has started eating whole apples. She loves them!
Ok, she REALLY loves them.
But she also still loves her original favorite.... bananas!
Good thing we're learning how to brush our teeth!


  1. I think she's grown in the past few weeks---can't wait to visit again---give her a hug for me....L&H, Grandma Jenn

  2. Omg she's too cute I just love that head of hair!!

  3. You have showed great perseverance behind the blog. It's been enriched since the beginning. I love to share to with my friends. Carry on.


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