Monday, December 1, 2014

Aurora is FOUR!!! We had an Arty Party!!

I know everyone always says that children grow up so fast, but that doesn't even begin to cover the experience of watching your helpless baby turn into an intelligent, headstrong, independent, and opinionated little person. My little Bean turned four yesterday surrounded by friends and family who love her almost as much as I do. To be fair, though, I don't think she gave them any choice. I know that I am biased, but I don't think I've ever met a more lovable kid. I am in awe of how easily she pulls people in and how quickly she gives her trust and affection. I watch her look around to see who is watching her just so she can interact with them. She has always done this, ever since she had the ability to make eye contact. When she was a baby, it was just smiles, but now she'll ask questions and talk to anyone who'll pay attention. She can even make random scowling strangers on a crowded bus light up and have full-on conversations with her. I am not sure how I have managed to raise this kind, considerate and compassionate human being but I am eternally grateful for her and I hope she never becomes jaded or hardened by life. The world needs grown ups who are just as wide-eyed and innocent as this child is. I cannot wait to see the person she becomes and to be there by her side as she continues to grow and change and invite new and amazing people into our lives. Here are some of the pictures from her special day:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Our summer!

We had a great summer! So good, in fact, that I didn't even have a moment to sit and write about it. I took lots of pictures but they mostly went on Instagram (you can follow HERE if you'd like!) School has been crazy but I should be done in May! Aurora has grown from a giggly toddler into a smart, funny, friendly and opinionated "big girl". Life has been amazing, hectic and fast-paced and I wouldn't trade one second of it. Here's a peek:

Backyard Bubbles!

Visiting Estrella at the Children's Museum.

Eating a delicious fresh tortilla at the farmer's market.

Drawing at a block party (one of many this year!)

New scooter!

Storytime yoga at OmKids,

First time on a Ferris Wheel!

First time riding solo on a carnival ride. She loved it!

Playing at a pal's birthday party.

Aurora's spectacular Providence Pride outfit!
Hope everyone else's summer was just as packed with fun as ours was!

Monday, June 2, 2014

What we've been up to.

As of three weeks ago, Aurora has her very own, all-to-herself big girl bedroom. It was a pretty grueling process and it took much longer than I expected, but I am thrilled to say that it's done and I'm super happy with the results. Aurora is pretty pumped too! One of the things I'm the most proud of is that almost all of the furniture in Aurora's room was refinished furniture that may have otherwise been thrown away. The most I paid for anything in the room was $70 for the toddler bed a year and a half ago. The next is $50 for the curtains (I HAD to have them for her) and $20 for the dresser. Everything else was $10 or under! Here's a peek at the process and the results!
Aurora's ruler growth chart, thanks Pinterest!

Dresser - before

A before picture of our old shared bedroom

Dresser- after!

Nightstand - before (with my secret weapon liquid sandpaper!)

Nightstand - after!

This one I'm really proud of. This is an old sawhorse support... 
And this is a sawhorse support turned into a bookcase!

Aurora's cool flower lamp.

Awesome textured wallpaper. Still unsure whether or not I'll be painting it pink.

Hello Kitty decal wall and play table.

Aurora's new reading corner. Still hunting for the perfect fluffy chair.

Closet wall.

Bed and nightstand.

Dresser, Aura's framed pictures, Hello Kitty clock.
Play table. Got this for $5 but it needed a total overhaul. 

The infamous $50 curtains. Totally worth it, right?!

Friday, February 14, 2014


Nothing says "I love you" like a heart-shaped, potato flatbread pizza!

This is a new recipe I tried for the first time. It was delicious and may be my go-to crust from now on. If there is any interest in the recipe, let me know and I'll post it!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Aurora's Birthday & Christmas - super late.

Things have been crazy around here lately. Every time I think I I'm all caught up, more projects come out of the woodwork. I'm still doing school full time and hanging out with the Bean during the day. We still have our adventures, though the snow has been keeping us indoors a lot. We're currently gearing up for a big room switch. Aurora will be getting her big girl room and mama will finally be getting a little privacy (at least during sleeping hours!). It will be nice to have my things out again without worrying about them getting lost or broken. It's funny the things you take for granted before having a child. Anyway, it's going to be a ton of work, but it will be worth it in the end. Aurora and I are both very excited for the change. Here's what you've missed over the last couple of months: